Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 10: Someone You Don’t Talk To As Much As You’d Like

Dear person who shall remain anonymous,
Hello, I really wish we would talk more often. I hate that I don’t get to see you all the time anymore and I miss being able to just go talk to you everyday. Now I’m always trying to come up with excuses to talk to you and I feel pathetic doing so but you always make me happy no matter what I’m feeling like. I love our conversations even if pointless. You’re the one I try to  talk to when I’m feeling down, because it makes me feel better instantly :).
Thanks for always being there, Cait

Day 9: Someone You Wish You Could Meet

Dear Tim Gunn,
If I could meet anyone in the whole world it would, without a doubt, be you. I absolutely love you and think you are just fantastic. I am currently going to school for fashion design but have muscular dystrophy, which a lot of times makes it extremely difficult but when I feel like giving up and just doing something easier I think of you and what you would say…”Make it work”. It gets me through a lot so thank you. I have often said I would love to be on Project Runway, even if it was just for you to tell me my stuff is awful haha. I wouldn’t care as long as I got to meet you. Okay I would care but still. You are so inspirational to me, and I hope one day to be able to meet you.
Your biggest fan, Caitlin

Day 8: Your Favorite Internet Friend

Dear Ashley,
I love that we knew each other but actually became friends through twitter. It was great knowing that someone out there was going through so much similar things as me. When you would tweet I would know exactly what you were talking about and could relate so much it was ridiculous! Then we started talking about music and well that’s constantly the key thing that always brings us back to tweeting each other. I’m really glad that I was a creeper and randomly started following you on twitter.
Thanks for being awesome, Cait

Day 7: Your Ex-Boyfriend/Girlfriend

Well I don’t have one so…yeah, I’m just skipping this one.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 6: A Stranger

Dear stranger,
Hello. I don’t know who you are but if you are reading this I hope you are doing well. I hope in the future things go your way. Have a good day!

Day 5: Your Dreams

Dear dreams,
You are so incredibly big. I don’t even know what all to write but I know that one day you will come true :)

Day 4: Your Siblings Or Closest Relatives

Dear Eric, Megan, John and Macy,
Man there’s a lot of you, hahaha. I miss you guys terribly! I miss being all together. It was really great when we all went to the mall this summer together, even if we only got to stay in the mall for like 20 minutes. We need to do more things like this. I feel like we’ve grown so far apart over the last few years, and I know that has a lot to do with me going to school so far away, but I want this to change. I want it to be like in movies where we’re all friends and call each other and do things with each other. So you should definitely come visit, that’d be a great start, kthanks.
Love, Cait

Day 3: Your Parents

Dear Mom & Dad,
Hello. I miss you guys! I wish you would come visit more often. I know we have our issues but I love you both! You have been there for me through thick and thin, and I know you always will be. I don’t say it enough but thank you. Thank you for all you have done for me.
Love, Cait

Day 2: Your Crush

Oops, I definitely forgot I was doing I'm going to try and catch up.

Dear crush,
Hey, so um apparently I am supposed to write you a letter but I don’t know what to say because I would never actually do this, plus you’re probably never going to see this. I really like you because you’re basically awesome. No matter how I am feeling you always make me happy simply by being around. You make me happy and feel better about myself without even trying. We have so much in common it’s a little ridiculous but I think that’s what makes it so easy to like you. You’re such a great friend and I'm so glad we met. I wish you could read this just so you would know how grateful I am for our friendship and know that I wouldn’t trade it for anything…unless of course you felt the same way haha.
~Cait :)