Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Aug2, 2012

Hey, so I am currently sitting in bed, watching Pretty Little Liars, eating yogurt, and going though other people's blogs. I came across one person's and it kind of upset me. They were talking about how much they didn't like themselves and how they felt like a failure. It brought back all those feelings I had last year and years before. I've been feeling so much better this last year and I'm so grateful, but I have never come across someone feeling those same feelings at least not in current times. People are always like 'yeah I used to feel that way' or something along those lines but I always felt like they were just saying that to be nice or that it was a long time ago so how can they really understand since they were so young? Reading this blog made me realize I'm not alone. I feel so bad for this person because I know what it's like to be in that place. They are only seeing the negatives in their life. They need to see all the positives, they need to realize how great of a friend they are, they're funny, and super nice. I wish they would see all the great things that everyone else does. I hope they see this and feel at least a little better...That's all I have for this time, I'll try to write again soon!

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