So my birthday happened. It was awesome! Probably one of the best birthdays ever to be honest! My mom, Lance, Macy, Caley and I met up with Natalie, Matt, JP, Christian and Belle for lunch. We ate at Rockbottom, downtown Indy, it was delicious. It was a lot of fun! And it was so good seeing them all! It's rough going almost all of summer break without seeing my friends. Then, Natalie, Belle, Jake and I went to see Fall Out Boy. I can't even describe how excited I was. We got there early because it was general admission and I wanted to be able to get up close so I could see. However, when we got there, we had to go a different way to use the elevator and there was no security! I'm not kidding! We just went right on up and into The Egyptian Room! It was awesome! The opening band was doing sound checks, and there was a couple people who worked there but that was it, no one else was in there. After the band left the stage we went up to the front, expecting the doors to open at any minute, but they didn't.
So we were hanging out talking when someone asks "is that them?", I turned around and sure enough Fall Out Boy was just walking by! I was freaking out to say the least. The thing is though, when I meet famous people I can't talk... especially when it's someone I really love. So they walked by and said hey and then went out into the hallway. My friends were like "why didn't you ask for a picture?!" but I couldn't, I was just too shocked. I figured they would walk back through though. And a few minutes (okay like 15-20 minutes) later Pete and Joe were walking back through. Luckily Jake went over, since I was just sitting there whispering "that's Pete freaking Wentz!", and asked if they would take a picture with me and told them it was my birthday. Pete said of course and then we took a picture.
While we were taking it Patrick was walking in and then Andy. So when we went to take another, to make sure it was okay, Patrick jumped in and then Andy yelled to wait and ran over to get in the picture too.
And then we took a big group picture. Which is funny because if you look at this one and then the one from 6 years ago, Pete and I are in the exact same places!
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2013 |
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2007 |
We were right in front for the show. I was super excited! But then I heard the security people talking about us getting hurt sitting right there. Then one of them (I think she was in charge) came over and asked if we'd like to move over to the side. We said no. Then a few minutes later the Production Manager came over and asked us the same thing. He said that they were worried about us getting hurt by crowd surfers and he wanted us to move off to the side in front of the gate. I told him I didn't want to, that I'd be okay. This was not my first concert like this, it wasn't even my first Fall Out Boy concert (it was my 4th). He still kept insisting, saying that Pete was worried about us and he said we would still be able to see. I said okay finally. If it had just been me I would have probably stayed, but I felt kind of bad because Natalie and Belle were there and I don't think they're used to that kind of concert. Plus we'd been asked twice. So they cleared a path and lead us over to the side. We could still see, especially since we were in front of the gate, so I was happy. I couldn't see the whole stage, like the back or the far left side, but it was okay. It was a really good show and it was a lot of fun! I'm so glad I got to go, especially on my birthday! Afterwards we were waiting by the buses, I'm not entirely sure why since I already got multiple pictures with them. But we were waiting, Natalie, Belle, and Jake left, so it was my mom, Lance, Macy, and Caley (who'd just come to pick me up) waiting with me. They put up gates because there were so many people, and no one was leaving. Macy and I were right up against the gate thing and Pete came out! Macy was freaking out, it was hilarious! I don't think she'd ever met a legit famous person before. She was taking pictures and I held out my ticket hoping he'd sign it. He was signing a few things before getting on the bus. He got over by us and signed my ticket and said happy birthday again and then moved on. Macy was like "did he just tell you happy birthday again?!" I told her yes and then we left because the rest weren't going to come out right away and I wanted IHOP. We had to get breakfast at midnight, it was my 22nd birthday, duh! It was probably one of the best birthdays ever! I know I say that every year, but that's just because I love my birthday and every year it gets more awesome! I don't know how I'm going to top all that next year though...
The awesome concerts didn't stop there. The next weekend Macy, Megan, Hannah, Whitney, and I went to see the Goo Goo Dolls and Matchbox 20! This time it was at Klipsch, which is pretty much my favorite place in all of Indiana. I love it there so much! Macy had never been there before so I was excited to get to show her it. Megan, Hannah, and Whitney had lawn tickets. Macy and I got tickets from Jake, who won them. They were for upper pavilion, in seats I couldn't get to. So they let me move to the front of the upper pavilion, right behind the walkway between them. I love those seats! They're fairly close, and up a little bit so you can see over everyone perfectly. It was a lot of fun! Even if we did almost get lost three times in Indy trying to get to Panda Express, then Jake's house to get the tickets, then to Goodwill in Noblesville.
Then a few days later, Macy, Caley, Kristen, and I went to the Justin Bieber concert. I know, I know, Justin Bieber. I think they just got me tickets so they could sit down in front haha. It was in Bakers Fieldhouse, or whatever it's called, where the Pacers play, and we had floor seats. I was excited even though I wasn't his biggest fan. I thought Cody Simpson and Carley Rae Jepsen were opening, I had read that somewhere online, but I was very wrong. The three of them wanted tshirts and the lines were crazy so by the time we got down to our seats the show had started. I wasn't too worried though because I have no idea what Cody Simpson sings. It wasn't him though. It was Mike Posner. He was pretty good and our seats were awesome. They were off to the side, so we could see everything. Then when he was done they brought out the drums and guitars for the next band. The drums said HCR on the front, so I knew it wasn't Carley Rae Jepsen, but I couldn't figure out who it was. Then some guy came out and said "give it up for Hot Chelle Rae!" ... HOT CHELLE RAE!! I looove them! I couldn't believe they were there! They were so good too! I was more excited about them than Justin Bieber! It was awesome!
Then Justin Bieber was on. I wasn't sure what to expect. I have never heard that much screaming from the fans in my life, it was intense. The opening was awesome though! I've been to a LOT of concerts and this was probably the coolest show I've seen. The effects were so cool, there were tons of lights, a huge set, even fireworks!
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Opening song |
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Huge set |
So it was a busy couple of weeks! 3 concerts in 10 days! It was a lot of fun though! Now I'm back to boring, relaxing summer. Nothing else is going on. I go back to school in a couple weeks, I'm really excited! This is the first time I've ever been excited to go back, not just to see friends, but for my classes as well. I think it's going to be a very good year!
~Cait :)
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