Oh blog, I feel like I can just write anything down here but then I remember who all can read it...haha oops. So it's April Fools Day and I'm scared. I fall for everything! It's ridiculous...So anywho...Last night Matt and I did another prank to Donelle. We printed a bunch of copies of a couple pictures she hates and put one on everyone's doors and ALL OVER her room! It was hilarious!! She was like screaming/laughing. It was great. We have more planned for today but I don't want to say yet in case she reads this for some reason before we do it. Well I don't have that much else to blog about...OH! I may get to go to the Hey Monday concert!!! I'm so excited!!! I just need to find someone to go with me, so if you're reading this and want to join me let me know.
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