Well hello there! It is my last day at home over Spring Break, I am sitting alone in my living room watching The Last Song. My mom, Lance, Lori and Larry are in the kitchen, Megan is gone, and Caley, Macy and two of her friends are in the hot tub. I'm not really upset, I should've expected as much. I don't know, I guess I just didn't want to spend my last night home sitting here by myself. Oh well.
So I decided to blog, since I haven't done it in a couple weeks or so and I have nothing else to do. Everything is going pretty well. I am still really happy. I have my moments when I start slipping back into the way I was but then I try to stop dwelling on things and just be happy. So far it's been working. I don't really have much to blog about this time. I'm happy, I'm working on my eating problem, I have an idea of what I want to do with my life...which I guess I haven't blogged about now that I think about it.
I mentioned before that I am changing my major but at the time I didn't know what to. Well, I do now. There's a part of me that many of my friends don't know about, or they didn't until a few weeks ago. I love science. I'm good at math. In middle school I was on the math and science academic teams, in high school I got A's in calculus and all my science classes. I loved them and truly considered astronomy as a major when first starting college. However, I also loved fashion, and still do, so I went with that and decided to put all of that other stuff behind me. I got a social life, I became a bad student, and I didn't really care about school. I'm sick of that though. I want to do well in school. I want to prove that I am smart and can do well if I try. I didn't want to be a "nerd" anymore but I tried so hard not to be that I went too far. I'm barely getting by with my grades and I hate it. This semester I took on too much and am not doing as well as I could, those habits are hard to break, but I'm doing better I think. And I know I will for sure do better next semester.
So what is my new major? Well... I'm going to major in physics and minor in astronomy, I will also have minors in French and fashion as well. I wanted to do astronomy but they don't offer that as a major so I'm going to physics. Then I really want to go to grad school for astronomy after. Eventually, the dream goal would be to work for NASA. I know it's going to take a lot of work. And nobody, other than my dad, really believes me or thinks I can do it, and I don't blame them with the way my grades have been in college. But I know I can do it, and I'm really excited about it. I haven't been this excited about school in like 3 years. I will keep you updated. This is the plan for now though and I can't wait for people to see what I can really do.
~Cait :)