Thursday, January 26, 2012

Jan26, 2012's been forever since I've just written in here. Things are going pretty well here. Last semester was crazy busy! This semester is much better! I don't have any fashion classes, which means no sewing. I have decided to switch my major to fashion merchandising instead of design, because there was just too much physical work. I think I'll like this though, I'll still be doing what I love but it'll be easier for me. With this major though, I have to pick up either a marketing or entrepreneurship minor. I'm not quite sure which I'm going to do yet. Changing won't put me behind at all, I think I actually may be done on time now actually. I just replace four of the sewing classes for merchandising classes. This year I am doing soccer, FDS, and hall council. This semester, soccer is on Wednesday's as well as Hall Council. I'm trying to balance them though because I love them both. I am so involved this semester! I am treasurer and self-appointed PR for soccer. I am on the PR committee for the upcoming fashion show for FDS. And I am PR for Hall Council. As of last night I am also now an RHA rep for Hall Council. I had my first meeting tonight for it and guess what! I got placed on the PR committee for that too! I think this is a sign...maybe I should major in public relations instead...nah! I just think it's fun. It's now the 27th which means it's Laura's birthday!! So if you're reading this, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I can't wait for this weekend! Saturday is the NRHH Conference, (which is Disney themed!), and then we are all going out to dinner for Laura and Chad's birthday, his is the 31st! I'm really excited for everyone to be together! And when I say everyone, it literally is almost EVERYONE! It's going to be fun! Ok well I'm going to go for now, I have a test in less than 9 hours, it's in music history though so it should be easy. Night!

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Wow that only took me like 4 months to complete the 30 day letter challenge…fail! Well now I can go back to writing stupid pointless things that probably nobody reads anyway! Yay! Hahaha okay well I’m actually going to bed now, I just wanted to finish that up so it would be over with. NIIIIGHT!!
~Cait :)

Day 30: Your Reflection In The Mirror

Dear Caitlin,
You’re fine just the way you are. Quit caring about what other people think, it’s not worth it. Just be yourself and people will love you just the way you are, and if they don’t that’s their problem, their loss. Never forget this.

Day 29: The Person You Want To Tell Everything To But Are Too Afraid

Dear person who shall remain nameless,
I really love having you in my life, you’re one of the greatest friends I’ve ever had. You’re so nice and funny and caring. You make me happy just by talking to me, and make me feel better no matter what’s going on. I wish I could tell you all these things and tell you how much I like you but I’m afraid of messing up this wonderful friendship. It’s happened before and I’m just not willing to take that chance. I wish you would know though, and that you were totally ok with it and maybe felt the same but I know no matter how hard I wish, it isn’t going to come true.
<3 Cait

Day 28: Someone That Changed Your Life

Dear Matt,
Oh look at that, another letter…but you really changed my life. You’ve done so much for me that if I listed everything, this letter would be too long to fit on Tumblr. You have helped me overcome so many hardships in my life. You made me realize that a true friend, like you, will always be there for me no matter what and love me for who I am. You made me realize that I’m not alone in this world. You helped me not only physically, anytime I needed something, but emotionally and mentally. I still have those rough days but I know that you are always there for me, along with our other friends. I know I can always come to you when I need something, whether it’s needing help getting in and out of my soccer chair or just needing a hug. You’ve become one of the best friends I could ever imagine. You know me better than anyone else, sometimes even myself. I am so grateful to have you in my life!
Love you,
Caitlin :)

Day 27: The Friendliest Person You Knew For Only One Day

Dear random stranger,
You stopped your car on the side of the road and walked about 50 feet across the grass to help me get my notebook off of the sidewalk when nobody else was around. Thank you so much! You were truly the nicest person ever!
~Caitlin :)

Day 26: The Last Person You Made A Pinky Promise To

Dear Matt,
The last pinky promise I made was to you last April. You made me promise to tell you the next time I was feeling sad and depressed, and to talk to you when I get to feeling like doing the things I was doing. I have kept that promise and haven’t done anything since.
<3 Cait :)

Day 25: A Person Who Is Going Through The Worst Of Times

Dear Bethany,
I wish you would just get better already! I need you be healthy so we can hang out and do stuff! Your my best friend and I want you to be able to do the things you love and enjoy. This means you can’t be sick anymore.
kthanks, Cait

Day 24: The Person Who Gave You Your Favorite Memory

Dear mom,
Meeting Fall Out Boy was basically the greatest day of my life! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<3 Cait

Day 23: The Last Person You Kissed

Dear Matt,
All I have to say is…”Oh tequila night”. I think that sums that up.
Love ya, Cait

Day 22: Someone Who Deserves A Second Chance

I think everyone deserves a second chance. I can’t think of a specific person right now…

Day 21: Someone You Judged On First Impression

Dear Mother Laura,
The first time I saw you it was my first year at Venture. Up till then I had never met anyone with SMA that was at the same cognitive level as me. I was so intimidated by you but all I wanted to do was talk to you and become friends. I was so scared though. You seemed so much older and serious. Who knew you would become one of my best friends. You are amazing and someone I truly look up to. You’re like the older sister I never had. I love you and am so glad to have you in my life!
<3 Cait

Day 20: The One Who Broke Your Heart

Dear ……….,
Hi, so we were friends, I liked you, now it’s awkward…typical story. I really wish it wouldn’t have been that way. I thought you of all people would give me a chance and instead you continue to hurt me. I don’t think you do it intentionally but that doesn’t make it feel any better…

Day 19: Someone You Can’t Get Out Of Your Head

Dear Anonymous,
You are getting quite a few letters on here, but it’s true…I can’t get you out of my head. It doesn’t matter how hard I try, everything reminds me of you. You are one of the few people who truly make me happy in life, no matter what the circumstance. I wish I could tell you how glad I am to have you in my life. You make me feel better about myself, which is hard to do, without even trying. I went months without seeing you but that doesn’t mean I didn’t think about you every day. Not in a weird way, just in a ‘Oh that reminds me of _____’ way. I wish I could tell you all of this but I know I can’t, which is why you will remain anonymous, even in this blog I’m sure you never read.
~Cait :)

Day 18: The Person You Wish You Could Be

For this day most people probably write to a specific person, like a celebrity or their hero. I, however, am going to do it a little differently.
Dear Me,
I wish you would just be you. Be the best person you could possibly be. Be confident in who you are and don’t be afraid to follow your heart. You are an amazing person but you need to realize this and think it more often. Be kind, thoughtful, passionate, and over all just be you. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that’s not good enough; if they don’t think it’s good enough than they aren’t worth it.
<3 Cait

Day 17: Someone From Childhood

Dear Alyssa,
Hey loser! We were basically inseparable growing up but now I barely see you and it makes me sad…I miss the days when you would come home with me after school like everyday, the good old days when we would play Barbies for literally days at a time and set up basically a whole town and beg my mom to let us keep it all set up, the hide n seek tag at Walmart and Kroger, getting ready for dances, going shopping and spending almost $100 at the candy store right after my birthday, play ‘house’ for hours on end, go around talking in different accents and all the other random crap we used to do. I miss you and wish we hadn’t grown apart. I think we should fix this and see each other more often, and you should definitely come visit me at school sometime!
<3Cait :)

Day 16: Someone That’s Not In Your State/Country

Cher Jacques,
Je sais que tu n’as probablement pas me souvenir. Cependent, je me souviens tu beaucoup. Quand je t’ai rencontre je ne savais pas du tout le francais. Mais, maintenant je suis etudiant le francais a l’universite a Ball State. I am switching to English now. I don’t know how correct all that is but I think it’s funny how I haven’t really talked to you since before I knew any French. I wish I knew how to get ahold of  you now but I don’t even remember your last name…I miss you though and hope you are doing well!

Day 15: The Person You Miss The Most

I miss your face!! I need to visit you or you need to visit me!! That’s all :)
<3 Cait

Day 14: Someone You’ve Drifted Away From

Dear Kesha,
I miss you! We became friends way back in like 2007 ish? I can’t even remember which year. I had so much fun that first year at Venture. You were my first real close friend at camp that I’d ever made and I’m so glad! It hasn’t even been 5 years, if that is the right year, but it feels like I’ve known you my whole life. We’ve definitely had our ups and downs but when it comes down to it, you’re one of my best friends and I wouldn’t trade that for the world! We’ve made it together through a lot of crap and I know you’ll always be there for me, just like I will for you. I’m so glad we met! I love yooooou!

Day 13: Someone You Wish Could Forgive You

Dear Meg,
Hey! So I’m writing to you to ask you to forgive me. Growing up being constantly sick, you were kind of neglected. I have always felt awful for this. I know it wasn’t my fault I was sick but that doesn’t make it any better. You got pushed around from house to house, and you never had anything constant in your life. I have always felt guilty about this and honestly it has been one of the causes of my emotional problems. I wish you could forgive me and that we wouldn’t fight as much. I love you!
Cait :)

Day 12: A Person Who Caused You Pain

Dear Jordon,
You were one of my best friends. I miss you so much. I met you way back in like kindergarten and we’ve been friends ever since. In the sixth grade you started going out with someone and I got really upset. I couldn’t figure out why I was so mad. I soon realized I was extremely jealous. You were the nicest, funniest person I knew, and you were one of the few who didn’t treat me differently. You acted the same around me no matter how old we got or how others treated me. You were constantly there for me and I wouldn’t have changed that for anything. In high school I was told that a friend told you I liked you and it seemed like after that you didn’t want to be friends. I don’t know if this is really what happened but it’s what I always thought was what caused us to start drifting apart. Then when I quit choir I hardly got to see you and we really stopped hanging out. The last time I remember really hanging out with you was at my 16th birthday party. It really hurt when I thought you didn’t want to be friends anymore, and it still upsets me to this day. We went from being super close friends to nothing. I haven’t talked to you in over a year and I haven’t seen you since graduation two and a half years ago. I really miss you and wish you could somehow see this.
Love always,
Cait :)